The Self-Mastery BLOG

Get ready for in-depth blog posts with practical steps to help you incorporate Human Design, NLP and Psychology-backed tools into your day to day life, to embrace your personal power and create meaningful transformations in all areas of your life!

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mindset mastery Veronica Mezzetti-Draia mindset mastery Veronica Mezzetti-Draia

From Dream to Reality: Practical Steps to Manifesting Your Dream Life

Have you ever wished for something with all your heart but failed to see any real changes in your life? Do you wonder why your dreams remain distant despite creating vision boards and setting intentions?

The truth is, manifesting your dream life is not a passive process. It requires more than just wishful thinking. In this blog post, we'll explore the concept of cause and effect and how understanding it can empower you to take control of your life and create the results you desire.

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human design Veronica Mezzetti-Draia human design Veronica Mezzetti-Draia

What is Human Design?

In this Episode, we will explore the power of Human Design–a system that blends science and spirituality to help you understand, honour, and love yourself for who you are at your core.

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mindset mastery Veronica Mezzetti-Draia mindset mastery Veronica Mezzetti-Draia

Are You Living by Default or by Design?

Life is an incredible journey, filled with choices, opportunities, and challenges. But are you truly living in alignment with your authentic self and aspirations, or are you merely going through the motions on autopilot?

Are you letting life happen to you, living by default, or are you actively designing your future with intention and purpose?

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Meet the writer

In case we haven’t met, here’s the short short bio….I’m Veronica, Mindset Coach, NLP Practitioner, Human Design Guide, 2/5 Splenic Projector, Libra, Enneagram 1, Carb Eater, Coffee Lover, Fiction Reader, Dog Mum & Human Wife .